Articles - Match Prime


Enhancing Profitability with Responsible B-Booking

B-Booking involves brokers taking positions that are typically opposite to those of their clients. This contrasts with A-Booking, where trades are passed directly to liquidity providers. While B-Booking can increase profit potential, it also poses distinct risks, especially in volatile markets. Financial Vulnerability from Overextending […]

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Enhancing CFD Brokerage with Match-Prime’s Advanced FIX Protocol

The FIX protocol has become a standard in the trading industry: each and every LP provides it for its clients. However, the capabilities they offer differ substantially as there are different versions of FIX and different ways of applying it. How does Match-Prime Liquidity compare […]

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FX Quarterly Review Q3 2023

Introduction As October is coming to an end, we are back with our cyclical FX quarterly review. Entering the third quarter of 2023, investor confidence—in the absence of a recession this year—grew substantially. It was driven by a robust job market and sustained consumer spending.  […]

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Market Basics: Correlation. Its Types & Examples

The Forex market is a complex and dynamic financial marketplace where currencies are traded against one another. As traders and investors strive to make informed decisions in this high-stakes environment, understanding some of the concepts becomes crucial. We believe that one of these concepts is […]

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FX Quarterly Review Q2 2023

This FX quarterly review presents a comprehensive overview of the global Foreign Exchange market in Q2 2023 with a focus on key events, trends, and regulatory changes as well as projections for the next quarter.  Within this piece, we’re exploring the interest rate policies of […]

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Market-related risks: “black swans”, “white wales”, and more

Running a brokerage business requires vigilant awareness of market risks. Several critical factors deserve careful consideration; in this article, we will look at these factors to be able to limit their negative impact on the development of businesses. First, Black Swan Events, rare and unpredictable […]

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Time in Force: Definition, Types & Significance

In trading, the right timing is not only the key to success but rather a necessary, mandatory condition. You have to consider not only the time of placing a trade but also how long an order will remain active. Precision and control over order execution […]

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