In our ongoing commitment to excellence and client satisfaction, Match-Prime conducted a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey. The results obtained allowed us to measure the efficiency of the implemented improvements and gave insight into clients’ needs. We are pleased to share that the findings indicate a positive reception to our efforts, guiding our strategies for continuous improvement.
The survey focused primarily on inquiries related to transaction processing. This is an area where we introduced major changes last year. In 2023, we strengthened our collaboration with prominent banking institutions and provided our clientele with alternative banking solutions to facilitate faster transaction processing. This translates into a smoother transaction process for our clients.
According to the survey, nearly 86% of our customers are satisfied with the speed of transaction processing and have never encountered any delays. The rest were also satisfied even though they may have experienced occasional delays.

We asked you what other factors besides processing speed impact your satisfaction. The most frequent response was pricing, so the next question dealt specifically with this aspect. Again, the vast majority of customers responded positively, rating the transparency of our fees as high.

Then, we wanted to gather feedback regarding our customer service. Last year, we established effective procedures and reporting lines to be prompt to your requests. Apart from having a ticketing system, we now accept your enquiries through multiple other means for more efficient communication and problem solving. Thanks to thorough automation, we made it faster and more convenient for the customers sending their request.
In the survey, each of the respondents that have reported any issues throughout our collaboration evaluated the new process positively.
The same goes for the liquidity platform developed by our strategic partner Match-Trade Technologies: each customer assessed it as user friendly.

Finally, the best proof of trust in our company is the fact that our existing clients would recommend us to their business partners. Each of them answered this question positively.

This year, we will continue improving our liquidity service. Your feedback showed us that we took the right direction, so we hope to end the year with even better results.
Remember that if you ever face any problems or come up with improvement suggestions, please feel free to contact us through the contact details mentioned on our website. We would love to hear your feedback!